Did You Know?

GMO “Surprises”

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are a hot topic. If you are interested, you can find in depth information on the internet. Health Sciences Institute provides some interesting info in a concise format that I thought worth sharing. For the real ‘surprise’ read through to the end.

First — the obvious. Buy organic. If a product is organic, it can’t be GMO. Of course, there’s the problem of GMO seeds drifting into organic fields. But generally, if you buy organic, you’ll get organic.

Second — check the packaging. Many food producers who avoid GMO ingredients will make that claim on their packaging. But for 100 percent assurance, look for the “Non-GMO Project Verified” seal. The Non-GMO Project is the only independent verification of non-GMO products.

Third — check the Non-GMO Shopping Guide. In two dozen food categories, the guide lists many brands that qualify for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal. You can find the guide at http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/

Fourth — Know these GMO basics and make yourself a cheat-sheet for your trip to the supermarket:

* Almost all products that contain corn or soy derivatives are GMO.

* Oils from corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed are GMO. Vegetable oil and margarine are GMO.

* If sugar isn’t listed as “pure cane,” the sugar source is probably sugar beets, which is GMO. High fructose corn syrup is GMO. Aspartame (which goes by the brand names Equal and NutraSweet) is made from GM microorganisms.

* Most U.S. livestock — including farmed fish — are fed GMO soy or corn. Look for grass-fed beef or wild-caught seafood.

* Many dairy products come from cows injected with GMO bovine growth hormone.

But don’t despair! The situation improves in the produce section…

* Most corn is GMO, of course. But only three other produce items are GMO…small amounts of yellow squash and zucchini, and papaya from Hawaii (but only from Hawaii).

* And surprisingly (and happily!), popcorn is not GMO.

Restaurants present another set of challenges. You can assume that GMO is plentiful in any restaurant that serves processed foods. Restaurants that prepare food fresh, from scratch, are a better bet. Even better, look for some of the new “farm to table” restaurants cropping up. Unfortunately, even these places often use GMO oils and salad dressings.

Here’s the real ‘surprise’: A phenomenon that farmers have observed worldwide is that animals that scavenge crops — mice, squirrels, raccoons, etc. — avoid GMO crops. Even farm animals, when given a choice, pass on GMO and eat conventionally raised food.  If scavengers won’t eat it, it’s a sure sign we don’t want to either.

Do share these important findings with everyone you know. It’s a blessing to be able to help one another.

Until next time…stay healthy, think peace, be love and see love in everyone!

Andrea Candee is a master herbalist for over 25 years with a consultation practice in South Salem, NY. She lectures throughout the country and at corporate wellness centers about taking charge of your health naturally. Media expert and author, her award-winning book, Gentle Healing for Baby and Child (Simon & Schuster), received The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval. Andrea is noted nationally for her unique and successful approach to Lyme Disease and works with clients and their pets anywhere in the country. Also available in hard copy or in PDF format are her booklets: Herbs, Recipes & Guidance to Winter WellnessSparkling Home, Healthy Planet, Clean Green, and The Cell Phone Dilemma…options for wellness in an unseen world.

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