Did You Know?

Olive Oil – The Good and the Bad

Did You Know…

Olive oil…the good and the bad.

The Good:

Researchers have found the genetic code behind olive oil’s heart healthy benefits. Twenty subjects with metabolic syndrome consumed meals that included either a high phenol olive oil or a low phenol olive oil.

What are phenols? They contain biologically active compounds that are remarkably high in antioxidants. Olive oil phenols are most highly concentrated in extra virgin olive oil, which is made from cold-pressed olives — no heat or chemicals are used in refining.

Study results show that the high phenol extra virgin olive oil repressed the inflammatory activity of nearly 100 genes that play a key role in prompting inflammation.

In the journal BMC Genomics, the authors note that their results provide a likely explanation for the reduced risk of heart disease among those who follow a Mediterranean diet.

The Bad:

Olive oil breaks down with heat so it is not the ideal oil for cooking. It is better to sauté with coconut oil or grapeseed oil and save the olive oil for flavoring salads, vegetables, etc.

Bottom Line:

Choose extra virgin, cold pressed (organic when possible) olive oil but don’t cook with it.

Do share these important findings with everyone you know. It’s a blessing to be able to help one another.

Until next time…stay healthy, think peace, be love and see love in everyone!

About Andrea Candee, MH, MSC
Andrea Candee is a master herbalist for over 25 years with a consultation practice in South Salem, NY. She lectures throughout the country and at corporate wellness centers about taking charge of your health naturally. Media expert and author, her award-winning book, Gentle Healing for Baby and Child (Simon & Schuster), received The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval. Andrea is noted nationally for her unique and successful approach to Lyme Disease and works with clients and their pets anywhere in the country.

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