Publishing Rights
Need good content? You may publish any of Andrea’s articles if you follow these guidelines:
1. Contact Andrea and let her know which article(s) you would like to publish and where you will publish it.
2. Publish the article in its entirety, unless you make other arrangements with Andrea.
3. Include the following bio at the end of the article and include a hyperlink back to this site.
Andrea is a master herbalist with a practice in South Salem, NY. She is recognized nationally for her unique and successful approach to addressing chronic Lyme Disease. Andrea’s practice incorporates three-pronged protocols: vibrational medicine, herbs and eating for wellness to address intestinal and sinus issues, asthma, joint pain, candida and more. She lectures for The NY Botanical Garden and throughout the country and at corporate wellness centers about taking charge of your health naturally. Andrea’s book, Gentle Healing for Baby and Child (Simon & Schuster), received The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval. Her DVD, The Healing Kitchen…Remedies from Nature’s Pharmacy, brings her acclaimed workshop to people to help them take charge of their health naturally with the use of foods and herbs in poultices, baths, teas and more. Andrea installed The Quan Yin Labyrinth of Love and Compassion on her South Salem property for the spiritual benefit of all to come, to meditatively walk and commune with nature.
Visit to learn about the workshops she is scheduled to give and can bring to your area, and about her award-winning book, Gentle Healing for Baby and Child…A Parent’s Guide (Simon & Schuster)…although written for parents, grandparents and caregivers, everything in the book can be used by adults as well! Andrea has also written “How Do I Get My Family Through the Winter~Should I Take the Flu Vaccine~Herbs, Recipes and Guidance for Winter Wellness”, “The Cell Phone Dilemma…options for protection in an unseen world”, and “Sparkling Home~Healthy Planet~Clean Green”, which are now available in pdf form as well.