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Is Carbonated Water Your Best Choice?

Posted on: January 18th, 2019 by Andrea No Comments

Dear Friends,
After seeing a report indicating how sales of carbonated water have skyrocketed, it is making me realize people are choosing it over filtered water. So what are the issues to be considered?

Hydration   We may be aware how important hydration is but even the unflavored, unsweetened carbonated beverages are not satisfying the body’s needs.  You would need to consume 5 or more 12oz cans to fulfill the body’s hydration needs…and along with that comes potential health risks.

Acidity  Carbonation creates carbonic acid, some form of sodium and/or citric acid, phosphoric acid, giving that bite sensation.  This reduces pH.  Pure water is around neutral (7.0).  As a comparison, S. Pellegrino is 4.96, Perrier 5.25. The acidic beverage will make lungs and kidneys work harder to remove the excess carbon dioxide to maintain the blood’s natural alkaline balance. Corrosion of dental enamel is of concern as it demineralizes below 5.5.  Also acid = inflammation which is the foundation of most modern illnesses and especially contributes to joint pain and fatigue.  (If you are interested in my ‘cheat sheet’ for eating more alkaline just send me an email to and I will gladly share it).

Weight Gain  Animal studies have shown that carbonated beverages cause faster weight gain.  And don’t we often think drinking a carbonated beverage will taper hunger?  Human studies showed the hormone grehlin elevated causing greater food intake.  I won’t even consider that you might be drinking carbonated beverages containing artificial sugars…they have been proven to cause weight gain in addition to all the other health issues associated with them.

Bone health  My biggest concern with carbonated water is that it robs the bones of calcium.  Phosphoric acid interferes with absorption of calcium. Why invite potential problems?

Diabetes  There have been some disturbing studies showing metabolic reactions to carbonated water increasing risk for Type 2 diabetes. Am thinking this applies to elevating glucose?  Definitely not something to invite.

I do like carbonated water but save it as a special drink when dining out (in a wine glass to accompany my wine drinking friends) or at home with company.  I will never let it be my replacement for good, pure water.

(details excerpted from article by Nicole Spear, MS, CNS)

And…as I always say:
Do share these important findings with everyone you know.
It is a blessing to be able to help one another.
Until next time…stay healthy, think peace, be love and see love in everyone.
